
It has been over three years since I have written within this journal.

Why? Because I felt like I had nothing left to say.

However, now that I actively read Twitter and "tweet" about whatever inspires me ... I find myself wanting to respond to tweets I have read but the 140 character limit prevents me from expounding on my thoughts.

Previously, my "written only in my mind" responses would be snarky and sarcastic ... or maybe intuitive or borderline insightful ... or simply a sardonic outlook on the ridiculousness that I cannot believe I am reading because they have been posted publicly online.

So, revisiting my journal affords me both the space and forum in which I can soar freely with my responses.

One of the ground rules that I have set for myself includes NEVER directly linking to the actual tweet or "tweeter" that I may be taking issue with or inspired by.

Why? This effort to journal my thoughts and observations is, without doubt, NOT a campaign to start an argument or "twitter war" or cause someone embarrassment. I am not focusing on the individual; I am simply recording my thoughts about subjects inspired by the tweets of others.

Another ground rule I have set is to have no time guidelines or restrictions regarding posting to this journal. This allows me to post when I am inspired to write without berating myself for skipping days (or weeks) ... or conversely, feeling guilty under the wordsmith gluttony of posting multiple times daily. The tweets of others are my inspiration.

For most of my life, I have been gifted with a bent towards an eidetic (photographic) memory especially with text that I have read. This has proven a blessing (great grades throughout school, recalling exact recipes, disputing numbers at the bank, steps for medical procedures, putting together a certain Swedish company's furniture, etc.) and a curse (arguments with friends and family over news stories, recalling exact recipes, disputing numbers at the bank, putting together a certain Swedish company's furniture, etc.).

Yes, there is a fine line between "helpful" and "hurtful" when you can visualize and recall words from ten minutes, ten days or ten years ago.

This eidetic recall is a definitive contributor to what will be posted in this journal.

Why? Because of the contradictory and disputable tweets that I see posted. That feebleness of mind (or lack of self awareness) of tweeters makes great fodder for my inspiration.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I will also admit that as I have aged, the photographs in my mind sometimes become somewhat fuzzy as though a soft focus lens has been employed. That is why Twitter inspiration is perfect: you can always go back and find the resource from which you became inspired.

How long will this journaling effort last? I have no idea. But for now, look for links in Twitter to this journal if you want to read my "140+ Contemplations: One Woman's Writing."

[01:15pm PST] [Permalink]

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